Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Radicl Reiki - Radical Life

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Do you want to learn the technique of Reiki, but can’t afford the high cost for the courses? Well I know just how you are feeling. Until I found this amazing ebook
“ Radical Reiki - Radical Life ‘”

Radical Reiki - Radical Life takes you through step by step by the hand, and leads you through your own self-discovery journey of Reiki. for a very low price of $67,

Here are some of the things you will learn:

The history of Western and Eastern development of Reiki
How to Draw and use
Reiki Symbols
How to perform you own very beautiful, wonderful
self - attunement

Here is what others have said about Radical Reiki - Radical Life:

I must admit that when I was preparing myself for my own self initiation ceremony, I was a bit skeptical as I had received my first degree in 1996 and was amazed by the powerful hot feeling I had in my hands. I was not sure what to expect after my own ceremony thinking that maybe it would not be as powerful as someone else giving me the symbols.
The “dry, hot” feeling I get in my palms when I am using the energy was there straight after my ceremony which I guess was confirmation enough that I had done things correctly.
I am very grateful to you for making this available at an affordable price. I have wanted to advance to Master for years but the prices are horrendous, £250 plus for a ceremony. I have been putting this off for years because of the price, and missing out on all the wonders of Reiki advancement.
Huge thanks.
Bless you
Love & Light & Reikiness
Annie Biddiss

Here are some of the things you will discover:

How the universe actually works,
How your life works and, ultimately,
How you work.

I am so thankful that I made the decision to purchase your book. I had no idea what a wonderful experience this would become.
First off:: You are a real, available and caring person. I did not think that I would ever be in contact with you again after my “download”.
How delightfully wrong I was!
Not only are “You” available and kindly “checking in”, but you have made it possible for me to meet (already) some quite wonderful people. And, the best of all, is your Reiki Book.
I can already feel many subtle changes in myself that I quite like and am hoping to be able to assist others in a positive manner, knowing, however, that there is really nothing to “fix”.
My very best wishes to you and thank you,

After reading this amazing ebook. My life has made a dramatic change that I know and feel to be for the better. I now understand through my own rediscovery journey. The reason I am here.

And you can too!

For more information you can follow the link above and receive your very own copy of Radical Reiki - Radical Life in just minutes and start your very own journey of self- discovery which can lead you a place of contentment, meaning, fulfillment, happiness, and joy.

I Intent With Divine Love and Wisdom,

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