Monday, April 9, 2007

Reiki Root Chakra

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The Root Chakra is found in the perineum, the area between the genitals and the anus. Some people will also say it is the area at the base of the spine. Though you do not need to be on the spot exactly, you can consider that whole area as the right spot. The color red is usually envisioned for this Chakra.

The Root Chakra is the first and most important Chakras out of the seven it is used for anyone who has safety , or a trauma issues. The Root Chakra is also your source of energy which keeps you grounded.

Reiki practitioner believe that the light from the core of the earth, enters through the Root Chakra and connects and grounds us to the physical world. When the Root Chakra is out of balance, often a person will become insecure and will not trust others. He or she may become angry more easily, anger is our defense mechanism,
to ward off hurt. He or she might worry incessantly, due to feeling insecure.

The Root Chakra also governs our ability to , earn money, pay bill maintain a home, our physical needs.

The Root Chakra controls our “ fight or flight “ response when we are scared. That is because this chakra is associated with the adrenal glands ( the glands that produce adrenalin, the primary stress hormones produced when we are frightened ).
The Root Chakra can be out of balance for many reasons. When a person has become emotionally or physcialy hurt, it is the Root Chakra that is usually “ spinning out of control “, or “ hardly spinning at all “. They become “ stuck “ in a constant fight or flight mode. They can become jittery, jumpy, ready to take of in a moments notice.

Some of the physical symptoms of the Root Chakra being out of balance can include: back pain, digestive problems, neck pains, prostrate problems, jaw or tooth problems, varicose veins, rectal tumors, immune related disorders.

Some of the emotional symptoms could include: anxiety, panic attacks, excessive worry, OCD, depression, survival, self - esteem,Social disorders, security, family.

Some of the information that is stored in the Root Chakra are: family beliefs, super stations, loyalty, instincts, physical pleasures, pain, touch.

The Root Chakra also governs certain parts of the body such as: spine, kidneys, legs, feet, rectum, and the immune system.

If you would like to find out how to become attunded to Reiki that click the click here at the top of the page.


Location: Perineum or base of the spine

Associated body parts : spine, teeth, bones, nails, colon, rectum, anus, prostate gland, blood.

Associated color : red

Associated emotional issues : Trust, safety, feelings of security, openness, anger, worry, anxiety.

Associated scents : Cedar, clove

Associated Crystals/ gemstones: Hematite, Obsidian, Red Jasper, Garnet, Ruby , Carnelian.

I Intend With Divine Love and Freedom

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